Sriman Lal Govind Das (Mr. Kalpesh Patel) was born on 21st may 1982 at Bhavnagar, Gujarat in a traditional Vaishnav family. After birth his family shifted to mumbai. Since childhood he used to read religious books & in his young age he read Bhagvatam, Bhagvadgita and started practicing Krishna Consciousness with chanting “Hare Krishna” Mahamantra and was attending early morning Aartis of Lord Krishna at Iskcon Temple- Juhu , Mumbai.


He belongs to affluent traditional diamond business community & his family runs a business entity “Chaitanya Impex”.

ABOUT FATHER: His father H.G. Lohitaksha Das (Labhubhai Patel) is running a successful diamond business since 1968 globally. He is practicing Krishna Consciousness for over 38 years and is disciple of H.H. Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj Ji. He has distributed more than 1,25,000 Bhagavad Gita books. For last 10 years he has devoted all his time for the devotional services & is spreading Srila Prabhupada’s divine message of Krishna Consciousness.

ABOUT MOTHER: His mother H.G. Mangalprabha Devi Dasi (Manjuben Patel), is a successful housewife. She is practicing Krishna Consciousness for over 36 years now. She is also disciple of H.H. Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj Ji. She has completed traditional Vraj Mandal Parikrama more than 20 times. She is presently living in Vridavan Dham with his husband. She is continuously involved in spreading message of Srila Prabhupad and serving at Sri Sri Krishna Balaram Temple-ISKCON.

ABOUT BROTHER AND SISTER: His brother & sister are practicing Krishna Consciousness since last 28 years. His brother is managing all family business work globally.


At present he is staying in Alachua, Florida, USA with his virtuous wife H.G. Radhika Devi Dasi (Radhika Patel) a disciple of H.H. Radha Govinda Goswami Maharaj ji. She is also practicing krishna consciousness since childhood. They are having 2 sweet children a son – Karunkeshav & a daughter – Iravati. They were both born in Sri Dham Vrindavan.


  1. He passed B.Com. From Mumbai University in 2002.
  2. He has done computer engineering in hardware & software from St. Angelos Institute, Mumbai.
  3. He has completed Sanskrit course from Bhavans College, Mumbai.


His family is running a successful diamond business which deals with importing, exporting and manufacturing diamonds.

His (Lalgovinddas/ Kalpesh Patel) own business is run under Chaitanya Impex, Syamantak Jewel, and Keshavira Empire Pvt. Ltd dealing in:

  1. Diamond (manufacturing, assorting & trading)
  2. Gold jewellery (manufacturing & trading).
  3. Western garments (wholesaleing & retailing).

He has handed over responsibilities of running his business to his trusted team of professionals and diverted all his energies & most of his time towards spiritual activities.


His first siksha guru, his father H.G. Lohitaksha Das inspired and encouraged him to give selflessly religious talks from his house. He started giving lectures and Bhagavat classes at ISKCON temple under the guidance of H.G. Kamala Lochan Prabhu.

H.G. Radhakrishna Prabhu inspired him to deliver Bhagvat Katha around Mumbai, which was received well by listeners. Spotting his charismatic personality & his way of keeping people engaged with his spellbinding delivery of lecture soon after his guru H.H. Radha Govind Maharaj Ji ordered him to expand his horizon & to deliver the message of Shrimad Bhagvat Katha in different parts of India & over the years by the grace of god he is delivering spiritual discourse around the world.

His lectures on Bhagvat Katha pleasantly and delightfully blending references from, Chaitanya Charitamrut, Shrimad Bahgavatam, Bhagvat Gita, Ramayan, Mahabharat, Purans and Vedic Sastras, makes lectures more real with surrealistic musical effects. Thousands of devotees are inspired towards Krishna Consciousness & are following his instructions. In last 20 years he has conducted 427* katha (till January 2025) all over India and abroad (like Thailand, America, Canada, Mexico, Australia, UK, British, London, Europe, Switzerland, France, Paris, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Fiji, Singapore, Malaysia, Mauritius, Egypt, Africa, Ghana, Kenya, Zambia, Dubai, Sharjah, Abudhabi, Bahrain, Barma, Bangladesh, Nepal, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Tokyo & Sri lanka) And Online Katha. His lectures holds special attraction & interest on internet with a startling attendance of over 13+ Crore viewers on YouTube, Facebook and other Social Media Platforms etc. Above 25 Lack+ Follower On Social Media Platforms. He delivers lectures nonchalantly in different languages Hindi, Gujarati etc. with equal dexterity.

Other spiritual activities:

He has been made the Manager of Iskcon Temple Charkop. He runs 15 Nama-hatta programs all over Mumbai which has aggregated attendance of 3,500 families.

Posted by – Dr Keshavanand das – senior mentor – Iskcon Pune

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